Wednesday, April 22, 2009

photos taken/edit by me, nt good, bt i like it


hmm, udah lama ga disentuh ini blog...deuu..kasiann..hmm...lets see, I have a good news here, tomorrow, our class is going to PWTC! there's a bookfair there, hmm, but the point is WE'RE GOING TOGETHER! since the event will be held in KL -actually, im not sure, wether PWTC is still in KL or not, hehe- so we don't have to submit the mock up and technical drawing! OH MY GOD! Im sure its some kind of miracles from The Almighty ALLAH swt,
Hmm...another good news is, finally I can let him go...and once again thanks to ALLAH swt, for giving me the best family and friends ever! finally, I can stop comparing! hoho..
HUAHHH! my life is so happy nw, you culd say, hmm...but still hav to prepare for the bad things that are on their way! huuhh...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I was in a meeting!WAUW!

WAUWW! beberapa hari yang lalu gue melakukan sesuatu yang, hmm, mnurut gue WAUW, ceritanya kemaren ada semacaammm..hmm...apa yaa, bisa dibilang meeting kecil-kecilan, dan gue mau gak mau ikutan, terusss, didalem meeting itu gue ikut BERSUARA! ngayaljadimalu2nyumbangin ide de-es-be, jujur, gue gak pernah nyangka gue segitu enjoynya di 'meeting'. It was quite fun though dan yang lebih WAUW lagi gue suka berada di dalamnya. Hmm, dunia bisinis ga jelek-jelek amat ternyata, atau emang dasarnya gue punya darah bisnis?
Tadinya gue kira yang namanya ngobrolin bisnis bakalan ngebosenin, bikin ngantuk, pokoknya bukan gue banget..-huahahah, bahasa gueee...jadi malu sendiri gue- ternyata oh ternyata, jiwa dagang itu masih mendarahdaging!! lebih konyol nya lagi, gue malah menunggu-nunggu kapan obrolan berikutnya?? wauww! Gue jadi berasa salah jurusan, huehhee..ngayal
hmm, gapapa, gue jalanin aja dulu dunia design gue, nanti, kalo gue ga bisa sukses disini, gue ngabur ke bisinis...hmm...ide yang baguss..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

english? ckckck..

It was kind of exciting today, we had guest, from curtin university which he should pay attention more to those curtin students instead of us but I like it when he starts explaining something and try to make one subject become interesting and the worse is I understand him better than other, I mean, I like his pronounciation. Feel a bit dizzy now since I sleep only for about 8 hours fot these two days, I think I should better go sleep instead blogging, hoho...hmm, what else? Oya! Im still waiting his reply! SO DUMB! I dont know what Im thinkin about, I just did it. Maybe his reply is the last thing I've ever need if I dont want the things get worser, his face is the last thing I need to see, seriously, it's like Im stuck, and being stuck is the very last thing I need to know! FIUUHHH..

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Tiba-tiba aja gw kangen sama orang itu! SIAL! -oops, sorry kalo kasar, keinget semua tentang dia adalah hal terakhir yang gue harapkan- dan sekarang gue lagi chat sama orang yang bilang "mending ga usah kenal" well, i hope so, tapi sekarang gue kenal! tau dan begonya lagi gue kangen setengah mati sama dia, gue kira, dia udah cukup nyakitin gue sampe gue harusnya bisa ngelepasin dia, harusnya gue lupain dia, pergi, dan harusnya pikiran gue ga bandel!
funny huh? how things work, how the world decides which road you have to go through, i've tried my best, anyone knows what am i suppose to do? cz i don't, im clueless,